How to Back Up Ephesoft Transact

This article provides instructions and recommendations on how to back up Ephesoft Transact. 

Important: Since files can change and be locked while Ephesoft Transact is running, it is required to shut down the Ephesoft Transact service before performing any backups.

We recommend updating the following items:

  1. Ephesoft Application Folder: holds settings for the application and supporting applications
  2. Ephesoft SharedFolders Folder: holds all of the working files for running batches and by default holds the output files from Ephesoft Transact
  3. Ephesoft EphesoftReports folder: holds settings used to connect to the reports database (applicable for Ephesoft Transact 4.0.X versions)
  4. Ephesoft Transact and report databases
  5. Batch classes (export)

Backing up Folders

  • If storage space is not an issue, back up the full Ephesoft folder.
  • If storage is an issue, we recommend that you back up the applications listed above. You can exclude the Ephesoft\Application\native folder in this backup.

Backing up Databases

  • MariaDB (Ephesoft Transact 4.0.X versions)

When backing up your database in MariaDB, use the command line with the following syntax: mysqldump -u username -ppassword –databases db_name1 db_name2 > backup-file.sql

Example: mysqldump -u ephesoft -pephesoft–databases ephesoft report > backup-file.sql


To back up a database in MSSQL, follow these steps:

    1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio which hosts your ephesoft and report databases
    2. Run the following commands for each database to change the output file to your preferred backup location and filename. Include a date in the filename to support multiple backups.
      BACKUP DATABASE ephesoft
TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\ephesoft.BAK'

    1. Press Enter.
  • MySQL (earlier than Ephesoft Transact 4.0.X):

When backing up your database in MySQL, use the command line with the following syntax: mysqldump -u username -ppassword –databases db_name1 db_name2 > backup-file.sql


mysqldump -u ephesoft -pephesoft–databases ephesoft report > backup-file.sql

Backing Up Batch Classes

Use the export functionality in the Batch Class Management screen to back up the batch classes. It is also recommended that you export the batch classes with sample files. Once exported as .zip files, these files will act as your backups.