How to Set Tomcat to Create a Heap Dump After an OutOfMemoryError

Applies to: Ephesoft Transact and above

How do I set Tomcat to automatically create a heap dump after an OutOfMemoryError?


  1. Navigate to [Ephesoft_Directory]/JavaAppServer/bin.

Figure 1. JavaAppServer\bin Folder

  1. Open EphesoftTransact.exe (in older versions, this may be named EphesoftEnterprise.exe).
  2. Click the Java tab and add the following strings to the Java Options:
-XX:HeapDumpPath=c:\<path to heap dump folder>

Set the <path to heap dump folder> to the full path location. For example, if you create a HeapDump folder under C:\Ephesoft, use the following:


Figure 2. Ephesoft Transact Properties

  1. Restart Ephesoft Transact.