How to Manually Install Microsoft’s TrueType Core Fonts

Applies to: Ephesoft Transact 2020.1 or above on Linux

Ghostscript is no longer supported in Ephesoft Transact 2020.1 or above for Linux and has been replaced with Nuance features. Due to this change, Ephesoft Transact requires Microsoft’s TrueType Core (msttcore) fonts to be installed when converting PDF to TIFF files. These fonts were previously included within Ghostscript.

If you are installing Ephesoft Transact 2020.1 or above for the first time, you will need to manually install the msttcore fonts, which must be installed on every processing server of Ephesoft Transact.

Follow the steps below to manually install these fonts:


  1. Download the epel-release repository, which is required to download dependencies:
  1. Install the downloaded epel-release repository:
rpm -i epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  1. Install required packages that support msttcore font installation:
yum install cabextract wget xorg-x11-font-utils fontconfig
  1. Download the msttcore fonts package:
  1. Install the downloaded msttcore fonts package:
rpm -i msttcore-fonts-installer-2.6-1.noarch.rpm
  1. You have successfully installed Microsoft’s TrueType Core fonts