KB00006858: Batch Stuck in New or Running Status in Batch Instance Management Screen


In Ephesoft Transact, the batch instance status in the Batch Instance Management screen does not progress from New to Running. The batch instance status may also be stuck in Running where the folder import stage remains at 0%.


To resolve this, perform the following steps to ensure the workflow of the batch class is deployed properly:

  1. Stop the Ephesoft Transact service.
  2. Browse to {Ephesoft Installation Directory}\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\dcma-workflows\dcma-workflows.properties
  3. Set the workflow.deploy parameter to true as shown in the following image:

  1. Start the Ephesoft Transact service.

Note: This flag will change back to false on its own, and the service should start up.

  1. Log in to Ephesoft Transact.
  2. Verify if the batches are being processed.