Problem Accessing UI After Upgrading from 2020.1 to 2020.1.02

Applies to: Ephesoft Transact 2020.1 and above


After upgrading from 2020.1 to 2020.1.02, if Ephesoft is configured to use HTTPS/SSL, you may experience problems accessing the Transact UI. Additionally, no relevant errors are present in the log files.

Root Cause

This issue may occur when using double backslashes (\\) in your cert path in the server.xml.


To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the server.xml file in an editing program, such as Notepad++. This is located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\JavaAppServer\conf.
Figure 1. Open server.xml
  1. Open the backup server.xml file taken before upgrading to 2020.1.02. By default, this is located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\Back-up-full20.20.1.0\JavaAppServer\conf.
  2. Find the location of your certs file in the current server.xml, and compare it to your backup file.

For example, in the current server.xml, you may see a path like:


However, in your backup server.xml, you should see the correct working path:

  1. Update your current server.xml to reflect the correct path from the backup server.xml.
  2. Restart Ephesoft Transact.