KB0009823 [com.ephesoft.dcma.core.service.ServerHeartBeatMonitor] – Fatal transport error

Applicable Ephesoft Transact Versions: 4.x


A server may be down if the following error log is reported:

[com.ephesoft.dcma.core.service.ServerHeartBeatMonitor] – Fatal transport error

The heartbeat service is responsible for checking whether the servers registered in the database are still active. This is important for service failover assignments. However, if the reported server is active, then the following may apply:

  • Blocked heartbeat service
  • Possible network infrastructure issues


To test your server for heartbeat accessibility, you can run the following two tests on the server experiencing the error.

  1. Ping the remote server by the computer name recorded in the server_registry table.
  • If the server responds with an IPv4 scheme, this is appropriate.
  • If the server responds with an IPv6 scheme, disable IPv6 via Microsoft’s solution.
  • If the server does not respond, the server may be down, there may be a firewall or network infrastructure issue.
  1. Open a web browser and go to the following URL: http://<remoteservername>:8080/dcma/HealthStatus.html
  • If the message states, “Server is up,” then the accessibility is correct.
  • If the page is unreachable, then the server may be down, and there may be firewall or network infrastructure issues.