KB00022920: How do I retrieve the extraction result from Ephesoft?

Topic/Category:  Report/Custom Report

Applies to: All

Product Queries:

Is there a method to retrieve the real-time extraction result from Ephesoft application?


it is achievable with 2 options as follows:

Option 1

  • To use extraction script to copy the extraction value from <ID>_Extraction_<Batch Class ID>_batch_bak.xml zip


  • Copy all the value and temporary store into the custom DB.

Note: There is performance of Transact application will be slower due to additional step need to execute before move to next workflow. Example, Validation.

Option 2

  • Create a separate project to read the XML file for finished batches (final-drop-folder) before insert into database. With this option it will not impact the application performance.