Error 404 After Starting Ephesoft Transact 2019.2

Applies to: Ephesoft Transact 2019.2


The following message displays after starting Ephesoft Transact 2019.2. This issue is caused by multiple attempts of running database upgrade patches on Ephesoft Transact 2019.2.

The following is the error in logs:

2019.2 Windows Server 2012 R2 2019-10-02T23:48:36,934 ERROR main 
org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Context initialization failed 
org.springframework.jdbc.IncorrectResultSetColumnCountException: Incorrect column count: 
expected 1, actual 2


  1. Log in to the Ephesoft Transact database.
  2. Run the following query:
Select * from cluster_property;

The output of this query will display duplicate rows in this table as shown in the image below.

  1. If there are duplicate entries in the cluster_property table, run the following query in the image below to remove the duplicated entries:

Note: Delete the new entries from the table. Keep the old entries.

  1. Ensure the final output of the table cluster_property is similar to the image below.

  1. Restart the Ephesoft Transact service. The login page displays.