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  5. Removing Custom Plugins

Removing Custom Plugins

Applies to: All versions of Ephesoft Transact


This article provides steps on how to remove a custom plugin from Ephesoft Transact. Custom plugins must be removed from all batch classes.

Note: Take a backup of the database before removing a custom plugin from your workflow.

Removing Custom Plugins using Queries

In the queries listed in this section, replace PLUGIN_NAME with the name of the custom plugin you want to remove.

  1. Identify the affected batch classes using the query below. Any batch classes currently using the plugin will need to be redeployed once the plugin is removed from the system.
SELECT identifier, 
FROM   batch_class 
WHERE  is_deleted = 0 
       AND id IN (SELECT batch_class_id 
                  FROM   batch_class_module 
                  WHERE  id IN (SELECT batch_class_module_id 
                                FROM   batch_class_plugin 
                                WHERE  plugin_id IN (SELECT id 
                                                     FROM   plugin 
                                       plugin_name LIKE '%PLUGIN_NAME%')));
  1. Remove all database entries pertaining to the custom plugin using the query below.
DELETE FROM batch_class_plugin_config 
WHERE  plugin_config_id IN (SELECT id 
                            FROM   plugin_config 
                            WHERE  plugin_id IN (SELECT id 
                                                 FROM   plugin 
                                   plugin_name LIKE '%PLUGIN_NAME%')); 

DELETE FROM plugin_config_sample_value 
WHERE  plugin_config_id IN (SELECT id 
                            FROM   plugin_config 
                            WHERE  plugin_id IN (SELECT id 
                                                 FROM   plugin 
                                   plugin_name LIKE '%PLUGIN_NAME%')); 

DELETE FROM batch_class_plugin 
WHERE  plugin_id IN (SELECT id 
                     FROM   plugin 
                     WHERE  plugin_name LIKE '%PLUGIN_NAME%'); 

DELETE FROM plugin_config 
WHERE  plugin_id IN (SELECT id 
                     FROM   plugin 
                     WHERE  plugin_name LIKE '%PLUGIN_NAME%'); 

DELETE FROM plugin_dependency 
WHERE  plugin_id IN (SELECT id 
                     FROM   plugin 
                     WHERE  plugin_name LIKE '%PLUGIN_NAME%'); 

WHERE  plugin_name LIKE '%PLUGIN_NAME%';
  1. If AUTOCOMMIT is OFF, issue a commit:
  1. Remove the following files from the customPluginJars folder, located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\SharedFolders\customPluginJars:
    • Custom plugin JAR (e.g., plugin-export-multipage.jar)
    • Custom plugin XML (e.g., applicationContext-pluginExportMultiPage.xml)
  2. Remove the custom plugin folder from the workflow. This folder is located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\SharedFolders\workflows\plugins.
  3. Redeploy the batch classes identified in step 1, above.
  4. Restart Ephesoft Transact.


This completes an overview of how to remove custom plugins from Ephesoft Transact.