As Ephesoft continues to grow, employees are a critical part of who we are as a company and represent our values, brand and drive innovation. Get to know one of our team members and enjoy many more interviews to come.
Lynn Tanattanawin, Head of Corporate Strategy
8 months at Ephesoft
Lynn currently serves as Head of Strategy and (unofficial) Chief of Staff at Ephesoft, having joined the company through an introduction by a Board member to the CEO, Ike Kavas. She was previously in a corporate development role for an Internet of Things (IoT) company where she worked directly with C-level executives and played a key role in the company’s growth. Ike was impressed by Lynn’s ability to think strategically, drive operational rigor and her inherent traits of tenacity and positive energy. At the same time, Lynn’s due diligence on Ephesoft convinced her that it was the right place to be. The company was poised for growth and possibilities, and that she would have the opportunity to influence and build something valuable.
Lynn’s responsibilities include managing the Board, leading investor relations, M&A, IP strategy and global market intelligence. She travels frequently to learn about the industry and new technologies (especially AI), anticipating trends and providing guidance on how to take advantage of market shifts. It is an exciting time for Ephesoft and the explosive growth certainly makes her schedule very unique. “I love the challenge and pressure that comes with my role. No two days are alike.” Lynn’s day may start with marketing plans, move to a Board update, then discuss core values with Ephesoft team members, next review financial models, hop on a flight to San Francisco for meetings with investors, back to Orange County and top it off with recruiting engineering talent, all in the same day.
Juggling the different aspects of business is exciting for Lynn but also a challenge she must conquer. Her influence spans across the organization with her hands in every department, making sure the team runs in lockstep, while considering financial and organizational ramifications of each move. “To be successful, I have to keep the big picture in mind but be able to context-switch within a blink, pick up threads where they left off and communicate effectively with all stakeholders.” She continued by expressing gratitude for her colleagues, “Fortunately, I am surrounded by a world-class team that owns what they do. Together, we amplify the impact of our knowledge and resources to win customers, outplay competitors and lead the industry.”
Perhaps it is Lynn’s unconventional background that gives her an outlier perspective to traditional thinking – a critical trait for strategists. Born into a high-achieving family, Lynn grew up across the globe. Her father was the Ambassador of Thailand and her mother was in academia, moving the family from Chicago to Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Pakistan, and Thailand. She attended different international schools where she was exposed to many cultures, learned to thrive on change and picked up numerous languages along the way, including Hebrew, Japanese, Thai and English. She ultimately returned to the United States and received her degree from Purdue University.
Outside of work, Lynn enjoys being outdoors, surfing, snowboarding, hiking, practicing Muay Thai and spending time with her two Corgis that reap the benefits of her hard work.
Lynn will be attending Web Summit in Lisbon (Portugal), November 5-8, and is available to meet regarding investing, partnering and prospects.