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  5. License Logging

License Logging

Applies to: Ephesoft Transact 2020.1.03 and above


Transact automatically logs license information to provide an at-a-glance view of current server licensing and configured feature flags. The following is an overview of the information logged, and at what time:

  • All license information (including ID Extraction license expiration date, if applicable) is logged each time the Transact server is started, as well as daily according to a cron job. Refer to Configuring Warning Logs below for more information.
  • A warning will be logged when you use 90% of your allotted images. You can configure this threshold in the file. Refer to Configuring Warning Logs below for more information.
  • A warning will be logged daily starting 30 days before the Transact license expiration date.

Logging Process

Once a day at the scheduled time, as well as each time the Transact server is started, the license status is checked and written to the dcma-monitor.log file. The data is returned in JSON.

  • If the license is near expiring (< 30 days), it is also written to the dcma-all.log file, located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\Application\logs\dcma-all.log, at a warning level. 
  • If the license is expired, it is also written to the dcma-all.log file at the error level. 

Logging Properties

The following table outlines the key license properties logged in the dcma-monitor.log, located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\Application\logs\, upon startup. The second column lists the label in the License Details page, if applicable.

JSON Key Name Transact Label Description
version Application Version The Transact version that is installed on the host environment. This field might contain a software version that is more recent than the original software version when the license was purchased.
os Operating System The computer operating system:

  • Windows
  • Linux
level N/A The level at which the entry is logged. The log levels are the following:

  • INFO: Default logging level.
  • ERROR: Logs if the license is expired. 
  • WARNING: Logs if the license is close to expiring.
timestamp N/A When the event that triggered the log occurred.
event N/A The start and end of the event are indicated by curly brackets { }.
Transact_Monitor_Codes N/A An array of all the current statuses. Each consists of a Transact_Monitoring_Code and a Transact_Monitoring_Code_Value.
Transact_Monitoring_Code N/A Numeric code indicating the current state of the license. Refer to Transact License Monitoring Codes for details.
Transact_Monitoring_Code_Value N/A The name of the code indicating the current state of the license. Refer to Transact License Monitoring Codes for details.
Expiry_message_will_be_shown_before License Expiration Display Message The number of days before license expiration. On this day, the system will start warning you that your license is about to expire. For example, 30 days before your license expires, you will begin to receive warning messages.
IDE_Remaining_Number_Of_Images Identification Extraction Remaining Number of Images The remaining number of images that you can process with the ID Extraction plugin given the current license. 
Last_Accessed N/A When Transact was last accessed.
License_Version License Version The license version based on the license generation tool. 
IDE_Image_Count_Consumed N/A The number of images processed using the ID Extraction plugin since the license was installed.
High_Performance_Switch High Performance Switch Displays whether the High Performance Switch is enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF). For more information, refer to Licensing Requirements.
IDE_Switch Identification Extraction Switch Indicates the status of the Identification Extraction plugin. This will be logged as true or false but will display as ON or OFF in the UI, respectively.
MAC-Address MAC-Address Lists the MAC address(es) associated with this installation. If there are multiple cores, each MAC address is separated by the pipe ( | ) symbol. 
IP_Address N/A The IP Address of the host computer.
License_expiry_date License Expiry Date The date on which this Ephesoft Transact license expires.
Reset_Date N/A Related to subscription, core-based licenses. Not applicable for monitoring.
Image_Count_Consumed N/A The number of images processed by Transact since the license was installed.
Reporting_License_Type Reporting License Type Identifies the type of reporting functions that are supported in this license. Refer to Licensing Requirements for more information. 
License_Id* License ID The unique identifier that is assigned to each Transact instance. 
Remaining_Number_Of_Images Remaining Number of Images The remaining number of images that can be processed if the license is image count-based. 
OCR_Languages Additional OCR Language Pack Lists the language packs that are supported by OCR engines in this installation.
Annual_Overage_Image_Count* Overage Image Count The number of images that a user can process after they’ve exceeded the image count specified in their contract.
Verify_Platinum_Switch Verify Platinum Switch Indicates whether this installation includes multi-server connectivity (YES) or single-server deployment (NO). 
License_Model_Type* Sales Model The license model type. This will be logged as

  • 1 (Core)
  • 2 (Consumption)

For consumption-based models refer to License Consumption Report.

License_Type N/A For Ephesoft use only.
Web_service_switch Web Service Switch Indicates whether web service API calls are enabled for service. 

  • This value is set to ON if this installation supports using API service calls.
  • This value is set to OFF if this installation does not use API service calls.
Web_Service_License_Type Web Service License Type Identifies the web service license type as either:

  • 1 (Image Count)
  • 2 (Service Hits Per Day)
Web_Service_Hits_Per_Day Web Service Hits Per Day If the web service license type is Hits Per Day, this will log the total number of hits allowed in a day. 
Hostname N/A The AWS hostname of the Transact instance. 
IDE_Annual_Image_Count Identification Extraction Annual Image Count The image count for the Identification Extraction license, which may be one of the following:  

  • an annual total
  • a subscription total for the life of the subscription, if different than an annual total
  • unlimited
License_Environment_Type Server Type The environment type. This is logged as

  • 1 (Production)
  • 2 (Non-Production)
Operating_System Operating System Identifies the operating system for Transact for which the license is issued.
IDE_Expiry_Date Identification Extraction Expiry Date The date on which this Identification Extraction license expires.
Number_of_Cores Number of Cores Cites the number of cores for this licensed installation.
License_Scope N/A Displays whether the license is internal or external. Can have a value of

  • 0 (Internal)
  • 1 (External) 
Days_Until_Expiring N/A The number of days until License_expiry_date.
Annual_Image_Count Image Count The image count for this license, which may be one of the following:  

  • an annual total
  • a subscription total for the life of the subscription, if different than an annual total
  • unlimited
License_Account_Name* Account Name The name of the company on the license. 
*Only applicable to Transact versions 2020.1.04 and up

JSON is written to the dcma-monitor.log. A sample is provided below.


    "os":"Windows Server 2016", 
        "Expiry_message_will_be_shown_before":"30 days of expiry",
        "Web_Service_License_Type":"Image Count",

Configuring Warning Logs

This section describes how to configure certain aspects of the license logging. 

Both of the properties listed below are configurable in the file, located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\Application\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\dcma-core.

Note: For Transact Cloud customers, contact Ephesoft Support at to make any changes to properties files.

Property Description
license.near.expiring.percentage The remaining number of images warning threshold. By default, this is set to 90%. This means that once 90% of the image count limit set in your Transact license is used, a warning will be logged in the dcma-monitor.log

Note: This property should be formatted as a decimal. For example, 90% is “.90”.

license.monitor.cronjob.expression The schedule of when to check the license status. By default, this cron job is set to 1:00 AM (0 0 1 ? * *)

For more information on configuring cron jobs, refer to Cron Job Expressions.