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Auto KV Export Plugin


Certified for: Ephesoft Transact 2022.1.01 or above

The purpose of this plugin is to automatically generate key-value (KV) extraction rules based on operator changes to monitored values during validation. This plugin is used with the Auto KV Extraction plugin.

Benefits of the Auto KV Export plugin include:

  1. Monitoring any number of index fields.
  2. Using a filter field to create rules against a filtered value. For example, for an Invoice you might create rules using the VAT number as the filtered value.
  3. Depending on your business needs, you can either use a single rules database per batch class, or use a shared system-wide database.


  1. In Ephesoft Transact, go to Administrator > System Configuration.
  2. Select Workflow Management.
  3. Drag and drop the ZIP file into the Import Plugin section.


Figure 1. Import Plugin

  1. Restart Ephesoft Transact

Note: There is a known issue with the Infor IDM Export Plugins Phase 6 and earlier in that they remove an essential line from the applicationContext.xml file, located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\Application.

The following error may occur in the dcma-all.log file when you try to execute the plugin after restarting Transact:

Caused by: org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Unknown property used in expression: ${autokvexportplugin.performAutoKVExport(batchInstanceID,key)}

To resolve this error, add the following line back into the applicationContext.xml file, located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\Application:

<import resource="file:C:\Ephesoft\SharedFolders/customPluginJars/*.xml"/>

Note: The above line assumes Transact is installed at C:\Ephesoft\.


  1. From the Batch Class Management page, select your batch class and click Open.
  2. Go to Modules > Export.
  3. Add the AUTO_KV_EXPORT plugin to the list of Selected Plugins. This must be before CLEANUP.


Figure 2. Selected Plugins

  1. Click Deploy to update the workflow.
  2. Go to Modules > Export > AUTO_KV_EXPORT.
  3. Configure the plugin according to your requirements. Reference the table below for descriptions of the configurable properties.


Figure 3. Configurable Properties

Configurable Property Description
Auto Export Enabled This switch enables the plugin. Set to True to enable.
Enabled DLF List (or Batch Class Relative path to list) Use this field to configure the list of index fields that should be monitored during validation. There are two available ways to list the index fields:

  • List of index fields separated by the pipe character ( | ).

Note: If only one field is listed, it must be terminated with a pipe character ( | ).

  • Enter the relative path to a text file that lists each index field line by line. For example: scripts-config\mydlflist.txt
Rules Filter Value DLF Name Use this field to configure the rules to be filtered by a specific value, such as the Vendor ID, GST ID, or IBAN.

To create a filtered rule, enter the name of the index field by which the rule should be filtered.

Note: Leaving this field blank will create rules without a filter.

Rules Database Path This property defines the location of the database rules. There are three available ways to configure this property:

  • Leave the field empty to use the default location of [Batch_Class_Folder]\auto_kv_extraction\auto_kv_rules.db
  • Enter a path relative to the batch class folder. For example, \scripts-config\mydatabase.db
  • Enter an absolute path. For example, C:\Folder1\mydatabase.db


  1. In Ephesoft Transact 2019.2 or below, if you are using Format Conversion or a custom script to modify a DLF value, consider upgrading to 2020.1 or later. There is a known issue that the coordinates are removed from the DLF values after extraction so they no longer exactly match HOCR SPAN entries. This means an extraction rule cannot be automatically created.
  2. Extraction rules are not automatically created if the document type is changed between extraction and export.
  3. Rules will not be created where the Split Batch functionality has been used for a given batch instance.