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  5. Known Issues and Workarounds 2020.1.04

Known Issues and Workarounds 2020.1.04

The following is a list of known issues discovered in this release for which a workaround is provided.

Category Known Issue Workaround
Batch Class Fields Unrelated batch class fields may appear when scanning pages. To resolve this issue, close the browser tab with the Web Scanner page (<server_IP>:8080/dcma/WebScanner.html) and reopen it.
Cloud HyperExtender  When upgrading from 2020.1 to 2020.1.04, multi-country registration is not available for the Cloud HyperExtender plugin. To resolve this issue, install the 2020.1.01 service pack prior to upgrading to 2020.1.04. 
Email Import For upgraded versions of 2020.1.04, email import may intermittently fail to pick up emails at random intervals. To resolve this issue, follow the steps in KB00020677: Email Import Intermittently Failing.
Export When processing a batch with the SAP_ARCHIVELINK_PLUGIN deployed in the workflow, the batch continues running for an unusually long time before going into ERROR. 

The following error message is logged to the dcma-all.log:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/conn/jco/ext/DestinationDataProvider
To resolve this issue, follow the steps in Error Processing Batches with SAP Plugin After Upgrade to 2020.1.04.
Heartbeat When starting the second node in a multi-server environment, the first node changes to inactive until the next heartbeat cycle runs (every 5 minutes). If you need to resolve this issue before the next heartbeat cycle runs, manually update the database to set the node to active. 

In the server_registry table, change is_active from 0 (false) to 1 (true) for each respective node.

Silent Installer When performing a silent upgrade from version 2019.2 or above to a later version, your upgrade may fail with the following error:

Exception occurred while executing script in database.MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Access denied for user <username>
To resolve this issue, follow the steps in Error During Silent Upgrade on Windows with MariaDB.

Known Issues

The following is a list of known issues discovered in this release for which there is not yet a workaround or fix.

Category Known Issue
Browser When setting the browser language to a language other than English, some labels may not translate correctly to their locale. 
Cloud HyperExtender When registering to use the Canadian region for Cloud HyperExtender, the country name is listed as “null” in the tenant details email.
Email Import When email import is configured, mail processing may deadlock with the following error in the dcma-all.log:

java.sql.SQLException: Transaction (Process ID80) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.

We encountered this error during our endurance testing. This has no impact on batch processing.

Email Import When the extension type of the mail import body is changed from HTML to TEXT, OAuth 2.0 emails still display in HTML during Review and Validation. 
License Logging The following values in the dcma-monitor.log are incorrectly represented as strings instead of integers:

  • License_Model_Type
  • License_Environment_Type
  • License_Scope

We recommend that these key pairs are not used, as they are for Ephesoft use only.

License Logging When web services is not enabled, the Web_Service_License_Type is incorrectly logged as Image Count in the dcma-monitor.log instead of NA.
License Logging The following error is logged in the dcma-all.log when starting Ephesoft on a multi-server environment:

RemoteException occurred while creating service object. Remote LicenseService object can't be created for current License host

We encountered this error in our testing. This issue has no impact on licensing, and is automatically resolved by the license service failover mechanism.

License Service When stopping one node in a 2-node multi-server environment, LICENSE_SERVICE is incorrectly re-assigned to the inactive node, while the remaining services are re-assigned to the active node. 

This issue is resolved automatically when the next license heartbeat service runs.

Open Office In the, the openoffice.autoStart property has the wrong default value. This should be set to false by default, but is instead set to true.