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As of July 13th, 2021, Ephesoft Transact 2020.1.05 is available. The following details the improvements and fixes available in this update.


Ephesoft Transact 2020.1.05 is available as a full installer and can be installed directly in the case of a fresh installation. For a direct upgrade to Ephesoft Transact 2020.1.05, your system must be running 2020.1 or above. If your system is running a release prior to 2020.1, you will need to upgrade to 2020.1 before upgrading to 2020.1.05.

To obtain the 2020.1.05 Service Pack, visit the Customer Support Portal. Contact Ephesoft Support for credentials.


Ephesoft Transact 2020.1.05 is available on both Windows and Linux. Refer to Transact 2020.1.05 for links to the installation and upgrade guides.


You will need a new license for 2020.1.05 unless you are upgrading for 2020.1.04.

License requests can be submitted through the Licenses page on the Customer Support Portal. Refer to Licensing Requirements for more information.

What’s New?

We are pleased to introduce the following enhancements in Ephesoft Transact 2020.1.05.

Cloud HyperExtender with Handwriting Recognition+

Handwriting Recognition+ is a new feature in Cloud Hyper Extender (CHE) that provides cloud-based machine print (OCR), hand print (ICR) and cursive handwriting (HWR) processing and data extraction capabilities for business documents. Batch Classes that require these features can be configured to send documents to CHE for processing. Once processing is complete, extracted data are then sent back to Transact for review and export.

For more information on Cloud HyperExtender with Handwriting Recognition+, refer to the following article:

Transact AI Table Rule Builder

Transact AI Table Rule Builder allows Transact operators to quickly create unique extraction rules for table line items contained in invoices. This new feature also provides improved extraction accuracy by excluding rows that are not needed. With Transact AI Table Rule Builder, users can configure and save extraction rules that are unique to vendor-specific invoices.

Using 1 of 4 modes (Automatic, Standard, Advanced or Manual), operators can choose the configuration mode that best suits their skill level. A new guided in-app configuration screen helps administrators identify line item information to extract. Transact then creates the extraction rules and uses them to extract data from any subsequent invoices submitted by the same vendor.

Note: The Table Rule Builder is currently limited to creating rules for single page basic invoices.

For more information on Transact AI Table Rule Builder, refer to the following article:

Beta: RecoStar HOCR Plugin for Linux

Transact for Linux 2020.1.05 introduces the RECOSTAR_HOCR plugin for Page Processing. The RECOSTAR_HOCR plugin improves OCR accuracy for non-English languages. It also provides more pre-OCR image processing flexibility for non-English languages.

This is the first part of a multi-phased approach to provide additional RecoStar-based plugins for ingestion, classification, extraction, and export. This will include, but may not be limited to the following:

  • Document import
  • Barcode extraction
  • Fixed form extraction
  • Native ICR/OMR configuration
  • Batch export

The RECOSTAR_HOCR plugin for Linux will remain in beta until it is certified for production or Ephesoft determines that it is feature complete based on feedback from our customers. The plugin is provided out-of-box and is optional to use. The RECOSTAR_HOCR plugin should not be used in place of the NUANCE_HOCR plugin unless a specific use case requires it.

For more information on RecoStar for Linux, refer to the following article:

Software Updates

For a full list of software updates included in this release, refer to Software Updates 2020.1.05.

Known Issues and Workarounds

For a full list of known issues and workarounds discovered in this release, refer to Known Issues and Workarounds 2020.1.05.
