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Applies to: Ephesoft Transact 2020.1.04 and above

This document describes the properties in the file in Ephesoft Transact. This information is intended for Transact administrators running Transact with a consumption-based license.

Note: You should not make any changes to this property file unless directed by Ephesoft Support, or to enable or disable automatic reporting.


The file configures settings for the automatic reporting of consumption data to Ephesoft. For more information on your consumption data, refer to the License Consumption Report.

Configurable Properties

This section describes the configurable properties available in the file, located at [Ephesoft_Directory]\Application\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\dcma-telemetry.

Property Description This property enables or disables the automatic reporting of consumption data to Ephesoft.

Note: If this is set to OFF, you will need to manually submit your consumption data each month. For steps, refer to Manual Reporting.

dcma.telemetry.consumption.upload.url This property specifies the URL where the license consumption snapshots are automatically uploaded.

Important: Do not change this URL unless requested by Ephesoft.

license.consumption.cronjob.expression This cron job controls when the license consumption data is captured, also referred to as a snapshot. In a multi-server environment, this cron job should be staggered for each server.

By default, this is set to 9:00 PM daily.

license.consumption.upload.cronjob.expression This cron job controls when the license consumption snapshot is automatically sent to Ephesoft. In a multi-server environment, this cron job should be staggered for each server.

By default, this is set to 5:00 AM daily. This property controls how many previous months of consumption data will be visible from the Monthly consumption report dropdown in the License Consumption Report.

By default, this is set to 11 months. This property specifies the email address your consumption report will be sent to when the Email button is clicked on the License Consumption Report page.
license.consumption.snapshot.throttle1 This property specifies the minimum interval in minutes between two cycles to capture consumption snapshots.

By default, this is set to 360 minutes (6 hours).

license.consumption.upload.throttle1 This property specifies the minimum interval in minutes between two attempts to automatically upload consumption snapshots.

By default, this is set to 5 minutes.

license.consumption.upload.api.connect.timeout This property specifies how long Transact will wait (in minutes) for a server connection to be established when uploading the consumption report before timing out.

By default, this is set to 1 minute. This property specifies how long Transact will wait (in minutes) for the servers to complete the request and provide a response before timing out.

By default, this is set to 3 minutes.

1. Throttling is a countermeasure in the event the CRON job schedules for snapshot creation and upload are accidentally configured to run too frequently.


This completes an overview of the file.